
Stop Cop City! Solidarity Poster



PRINTABLE PDFs: Black and White (831 KB)

Avenge Tortuguita!
No Justice on Stolen Lands!
Abolish the settler colonial police state.
Avenge Tort!
Attack. Cop city is everywhere!

When we resist the commodification and destruction of Mother Earth, we continue Indigenous resistance to over 500 years of colonial violence. Colonial enforcers continue to murder land, water, and forest defenders. Respect existence or expect resistance.
Printable posters up on our site: www.indigenousaction.org

“The City of Atlanta has leased 381-acres of Weelaunee Forest, stolen Muscogee land, to the Atlanta Police Foundation for a police military facility funded by corporations.
Cop City will never be built.” #StopCopCity #DefendWeelaunee


Smash the settler and resource colonial police state.

#acab #ftp

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