Art of Resistance

Relocation is Genocide – Mae Tso Poster



“We must resist. We have become this land of ours. We are Indigenous. We are still here. And I am not going anywhere.”
– Mae Tso

Mae Tso was an elder Diné matriarch and a powerful force in the ongoing resistance to forced relocation on Black Mesa.
She fought against Peabody Coal mining and PL93-531, the so-called “Relocation Act” as she was one of the main plaintiffs in the lawsuit Manybeads et al v. the United States. She lived her entire life following traditional ways on her ancestral lands and leaves a strong legacy of young resisters to carry on her fight.
She was taken from us recently by COVID-19.
Rest in Power Mae Tso.

Read the piece by John Redhouse “Geopolitics of the Navajo-Hopi ‘Land Dispute’.”
Original pic by Kenji Kawano

[Image: Diné woman holding an upside down amerikan flag. Text quote from above and “Relocation is Genocide.”]


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